Advantages - Sugar and carbohydrates in foods make energy to the body immediately. It is refreshing also help stomach and spleen performances. Sweet taste has benefit in health. We can use sweet to relief muscle pain, fatigue and thirst.Disadvantages - Sweet foods are a result of diabetes. When body receive sugar too much, it can not control blood sugar levels to normal. In addition, the body receive too much energy causing the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, tooth decay, etc.
Advantages - Spicy food helps the lung and intestine performance, stimulate blood flow, release sweat, expel gas in stomach and intestines. It also helps in the metabolism.Disadvantages - Spicy food can cause irritation of the stomach as well. Also, spicy foods such as curry paste is a mixture of salt, sodium glutamate, which is cause the risk of kidney disease and high blood pressure.
Advantages - Sodium is the main component of salt. It plays an important role in controlling the balance of body fluids, blood pressure to normal levels, control level of acid and base blood.Disadvantages -When the body get sodium from salt higher than normal, the body tries excreted in urine. As a result, we feel thirsty, parched throat and water retention. In addition, salty will slow the flow of blood in the body, high blood pressure and makes the heart work harder.
Advantages - The acid helps to stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release the digesting juice. It helps in the absorption of the body as a mild laxative, blood purifier and helps the pituitary and the scurvy.Disadvantages -Eating too much sour cause diarrhea and problem in lymphatic system. The wounds heal slowly and can cause decayed tooth.
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